The sun is out and the sky blue, so I've decided to wear my new Portmans dress and baby blue Tony Bianco stilettos. I'm actually really looking forward to quaffing a few glasses of really good red and gobbling all three courses. I feel like I need it. A good stuffing. Then I won't need dinner. Sorted. A great way to end the working week.
Friday, 30 August 2013
today I am wearing...
I have a client lunch today, at a new restaurant in Brissy, called Cut. It will be very pleasant as my table companions are all good, fun, easy company. The conversations will flow. As will the wine.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
today I am wearing...
I had a coffee meeting this morning. I haven't worn this dress or shoes for a while, so thought they deserved an outing.
a yes and a no
Sandra Bullock is in Venice with Georgie C promoting their space flick Gravity. Yesterday she donned two totally different looks. One great, one bloody awful! Who the hell styled her? How could they get one outfit so right and the other so wrong?!
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
socks and shoes
Ohhhh! Nooooo! Bloody hell Katie Holmes! You kill me, really you do. What the f**k?!
I see your picture. You look lovely, I'm happy for you. Young and fresh and pretty. Then I look down and see YOUR F-ING shoes!!! But not only crap old tap shoes, but 'opps washed with colours-gone-yellow' crocheted SOCKS too!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! You can not get away with this combo, not unless you are 6 years old!
Suri looks like your mum! Outfit role reversal...
Look. Give me a call. Let me help you. Katie, really, drop me a line. I'll come to your aid. Let me take you shoe shopping! Please!!!!
a couple of hits and a whole lot of flops!
Yes, I'm talking the MTV VMA's held yesterday in New York. Deary dear. Quite a few absolute shockers on the red carpet, but then that's to be expected isn't it. These musos know how to get people talking (especially if they have no real talent) by donning awful outfits. There is no accounting for taste. The fame goes to their heads.
The hits
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I'm not loving the flap, but for little Selena,
this is a good look. I like the colour and bustier
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As much as Ms Swift annoys me
(with her 'I love my cutesy-pie-self' vibe)
she looks good. Sexy but classy.
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Jen Hudson gets it right in gingham, leather
and pointy heels
The flops!
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I love Gaga in this leather number,
she looks hot and oddly normal
The flops!
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Holland Roden. Drawn curtains anyone?
Open! Shut! Open! Shut! A shame because, as
either a skirt or trouser suit this outfit would look
great, just not both together!
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Ciara, I just keep seeing a Shire horse mixed
with Elvis... It's the feathery hoofs and the
glittery embellishments. Neigh!
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Opps, this one's been to the loo and her dress
has got all twisted round! All the wrong bits
on display
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Lil' Kim (who the F is she anyway?!) looking
hideous as always. Where the hell do I start?!
Do I even need to?! Ugh that tight gusset...!
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
queen k
Kate Moss. She really has to be the most super of supermodels. Will she ever go out of fashion? Nah. She's bloody brilliant and never changes and has always been herself, never faked it or compromised or apologised for who she is. She's never tried to be a role model and just enjoys herself - and why the bloody hell not! Never boring, always cool. Such strong, classic, youthful features... An icon (sigh).
Monday, 19 August 2013
best birthday surprise ever
Even as I write this, I am still in shock and still can't quite believe that my friends surprised me with the best present EVER! You see I haven't got my real present yet, just the fake one, so it's easy to think it's all one big wind up...
I am almost trembling with anticipation, waiting for the text or call to let me know my precious package has arrived...
OMG, where do I even start? At the beginning I guess. Okay. Friday night. My small, intimate, exactly how I hoped it would be, 40th drinks at a bar in the city.
Champagne in the car, the best table in the place, delicious cocktails (passionfruit and vanilla mojitos for me), share plates of trendy food and my lovely, lovely friends. Just seven of us. Perfect. Just what I wanted. The conversation ranged from foreskins (what's your preference), semen or shit (what would u prefer to lick?), to gossiping and having a laugh with the sad men stopping to chat with their cheesy 'on the pull' lines. You get the picture. Good times.
Now to my present... First, let me say, I was not expecting anything! Something small. A Myer Gift Card perhaps (which I would have loved) or a little blingy keepsake. I was not expecting a big brown box with red and black ribbon.
I opened it, with all eyes on me. Wondering what on earth I'd find inside. Well, wrapped in red tissue paper was a pair of obviously fake, but still kind of cool (cause of the red soles, oddly signed with peoples names??) Christian Louboutin stilettos. Excellent! That's so sweet, fake Louboutin's from China! Cool! Thanks everyone! Then I opened an envelope with a Thank You For Your Order printed on it. Inside a couple of sheets of paper that I couldn't really read (due to my crap contact lense vision)...
Then Miss M says 'You're just not getting it are you??!!'. 'What?' I ask, 'Fake Louboutin's! That's cool!' I say. Then Miss L says, 'We've ordered you the real ones! Those (the signed shoes) are just your card, can't you read?!' So I fumble over the sheets of paper and see a whole page of lovely Birthday messages from friends and then an email order with the words, Pigalle 120!!!! Holy FUCK!!! I'm confused. 'What??!!' Then all together now, 'We've got you the real ones J! Real Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120s! Your dream shoes! They're on there way, being shipped here, cause you can't just go out and buy a pair, no one in Australia stocks them, we had to order from Christian Louboutin online!' FUUUCCK! Shocked? What a bloody understatement! Ecstatic! Yes!!! Totally and utterly gobsmacked! I didn't know what to say! I just sat there shaking my head, still not believing! Letting it sink in... Oh my God! What amazing, lovely friends I have! I cannot believe the trouble they went to, the big joint effort involved! All the people who chipped in and the thought behind it all. I actually feel a little guilty. I mean they are my DREAM shoes! And my friends have got them for me!
Then Miss M says 'You're just not getting it are you??!!'. 'What?' I ask, 'Fake Louboutin's! That's cool!' I say. Then Miss L says, 'We've ordered you the real ones! Those (the signed shoes) are just your card, can't you read?!' So I fumble over the sheets of paper and see a whole page of lovely Birthday messages from friends and then an email order with the words, Pigalle 120!!!! Holy FUCK!!! I'm confused. 'What??!!' Then all together now, 'We've got you the real ones J! Real Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120s! Your dream shoes! They're on there way, being shipped here, cause you can't just go out and buy a pair, no one in Australia stocks them, we had to order from Christian Louboutin online!' FUUUCCK! Shocked? What a bloody understatement! Ecstatic! Yes!!! Totally and utterly gobsmacked! I didn't know what to say! I just sat there shaking my head, still not believing! Letting it sink in... Oh my God! What amazing, lovely friends I have! I cannot believe the trouble they went to, the big joint effort involved! All the people who chipped in and the thought behind it all. I actually feel a little guilty. I mean they are my DREAM shoes! And my friends have got them for me!
The best birthday surprise ever! Beyond my wildest expectations!!!
So if any of my dear friends are reading this, Thank You again! A truly amazing, special, dream present and a 40th Birthday memory to treasure forever!
Yippppeee! Happy 40th to me!!!!
I'll post a piccie of my beauties as soon as I have them on my very lucky feet!
today I am wearing
Actually I am not wearing these outfits today. They are my two Birthday weekend outfits, one worn on Friday night, the other on Saturday night. My absolute bargain of the decade purchases (see yesterdays post). Thought you might like to see them on. Not the best snaps in the world, taken by Miss L as I'm about to go out of the door...
Outfit one. Night out with friends (more on this later! Very, very exciting!!!! I have the best friends in the world!!!).
Outfit one. Night out with friends (more on this later! Very, very exciting!!!! I have the best friends in the world!!!).
Outfit two. Out for a romantic, swanky dinner with Mr S.
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Charlie Brown silvery/gold print fit and flare, racer back dress
Tony Bianco 'Lolita' heels
Silver accessories
Outfit two. Out for a romantic, swanky dinner with Mr S.
I LOVE my new dresses and I had such a fabulous Birthday and I loved all my pressies and feel very spoilt. A bloody good 40th that's for sure! More on all that later... x
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Charlie Brown dress
Tony Biano 'Alamo' heels (last years Birthday shoes!)
Gold accessories - including my gorgeous pressie a .55 carat diamond pendant
I LOVE my new dresses and I had such a fabulous Birthday and I loved all my pressies and feel very spoilt. A bloody good 40th that's for sure! More on all that later... x
Sunday, 18 August 2013
pre birthday shop
I had the best shopping day on Thursday. So good that I have to tell you about it. It was just one of those days that I was meant to shop. Fate. The stars aligned and I was one happy shopper.
I knocked off work early, jumped in the car and headed to DFO. First stop, as always, my favourite shoe store, Tony Bianco. And low and behold... The boots and heels that I have lusted over for a couple of months were on sale and just one pair of each left... And they happened to be in my size!!! Hidden at the back in the wrong size section! Thank you dear eagle eyes of mine! $265 saved my friends!!! And as I was using an expired credit note courtesy of my lovely sister (she dug it out of the bin cause she didn't think I'd be able to use it so threw it away!) so they were in fact FREE shoes!! Oh joy of joys! It just doesn't get any better than that!
Then the dress hunt began. Something nice for my Birthday. I tried on loads of things, I went round the whole mall and ended up back at Charlie Brown, where my search began... I had narrowed my choice down to two dress. An elegant sequin beaded charcoal one shoulder dress ($79 down from $499!!!) and a cute fit and flare racer back silver/gold print mini dress ($49 from $179!) Agh! I couldn't decide! I had both shop assistants trying to help, but they couldn't decide between them either. Then one of the ladies cleverly suggested I buy both! Good point. I had the money - bargain! But. I had set myself a budget of $100 for a dress. As you know I like to set myself a challenge, so I cheekily asked if I could have both dresses for $100, to which the lady pointed out that the original value of the dresses was almost $600, so I was already getting a massive discount. Okay, I replied. Fair enough. So I went to change back into my clothes, promising I'd make a decision.
Time to have one last try at negotiation. I walked to the till and gently put both dresses on the counter, asking in a pleading voice, 'I have $115 cash in my wallet, that's all I have (this was actually a bit of a fib, but), so could I please buy both dresses for $115???' And amazingly the lovely sales lady agreed! I could have kissed her! Then snogged her after she then let me have both dresses for $99!!!! Yes, $99!!! She wouldn't even keep the $1 change! Happy? Bloody ecstatic more like! I was on a high for the rest of the day!
Beat that peeps!
Tony Bianco 'Lolita' heels $80 down from $179.95 |
Tony Bianco 'Jessie' Boots $54 down from $219.95 |
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Charlie Brown dresses both mine for $99 down from $678!!!! |
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Amish mini
Jen. No! No! No! Bad choice. Baaaad choice. Love the shoes (seen before last week) hate the dress. Granny curtains meets Little Bow Peep. Apparently it's Dior! Looks homemade from one of those patterns with 'end of roll' clearance fabric if you ask me...
For the London premiere of We're the Millers, you could have done much better! Crap hair too. Maybe it was just windy. Way too shaggy.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Gucci polka dots
I love Amanda Seyfried in this Gucci black and blue polka dot skirt dress! I'm not normally keen on sheer skirts, but this dress is demure yet sexy and is perfect to promote a film like Lovelace. I love the simple strap heels too. And the red lips. Basically I love all of it! Can't wait to see the film either.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
today I am wearing...
Jeans. Yes, jeans! I've been running on the treadmill. I set myself a challenge to run 10km in 60 minutes. I still have 1:05 minutes to shave off my time before I reach my goal. But I'm pretty happy, I'm getting there. I loathe exercise, so for me, this is good! And amazingly I have lost weight on my hideous thighs! They will never be straight or thin, they still look like chicken legs, but they are better. So, now I don't mind jeans so much.
I was actually out shopping this morning, trying to find a dress for my Birthday. No luck. Nothing is really grabbing me with want, so my search continues...
I was actually out shopping this morning, trying to find a dress for my Birthday. No luck. Nothing is really grabbing me with want, so my search continues...
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Me in jeans at Myer earlier today wearing
Giordano jeans, Just Jeans top, Diana Ferrari
purple patent block heeled courts.
Monday, 12 August 2013
teen choice awards red carpet
Oh the hits and the misses of the red carpet. Don't you just love it! I do. Such a shallow but enjoyable way to pass a few minutes. So this time it's the Teen Choice Awards. Lea Michelle makes a teary speech (as predicted) and One Direction strut around and all the silly girls/boys get over excited (yawn!), and there are more and more 'celebrities' on the red carpet that I haven't a clue about (a sure sign of aging)...But back to the point. The red carpet hits and misses - are you ready?
The hits!
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Crystal Reed. This Monochrome print trouser set
is cool! Love the stilettos, red lips and white clutch
The Misses!
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Abigail Breslin. I'm sorry, but ooo the cankles! And wide feet. Nice dress, but I just can't stop looking at the pale cankles in skin tone shoes. |
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Who the hell is JWoww anyway? Is she from
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding? That train is like
a cheap shower curtain and ugly sandals!
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Lily Collins. She just annoys me. Those eyebrows
annoy me. The Bouffy hair and that skirt train.
Why?? Cut it off, make it a simple mini!
Put on some stilettos, not those bulky platforms!
airport perfection
God, look at her! Black beauty! Even when arriving at shitty old Heathrow (Airport) she looks bloody perfect!
Skinny slacks, sexy sheer bow neck shirt (with just a little nipple show through), gorgeous Christian Louboutin knee highs (sigh!), oversized sunnies, high pony and Louis Vuitton bag.
Agh! I could scream with the perfect woman/classy/dirty cow/cool mother/hot goddess ness of it all!
Angie, I have it bad!
dress envy
I really, really want this Louis Vuitton dress! I love the thin shoestring straps and sexy lace, the slip of a thing design. Vic wore one to Wimbledon this year, a black one and I must admit to being surprised it wasn't one of her designs. It's very VB. I love it. If I had a sugar daddy I'd be doing a little mouth persuasion for this little number...
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Vogue Australia featuring Ms Posh herself.
Love the dress. Not keen on the facial expression. A bit too scowly...
beach babe must have
Kate Moss is currently on holiday in Spain. Working on her tan, making a fortune, looking effortlessly cool and glam. And her latest must have beach accessory? A beautiful, soft, lightweight, hand loomed Turkish towel. Well Kate honey, I've had mine for ages! Before trend, oh yes!
What can I say, I have in-the-know beautiful friends with impeccable taste.
So if you too are tired of lugging a heavy, bulging bags to the beach? Rammed full of heavy, slow-to-dry, damp beach towels, Turkish towels are for you ladies (and gents)!
Check out the gorgeous range from Aqua HQ. Beautiful hand loomed towels in beautiful colours, that are soft and light and dry in a flash! You can wrap yourself in them, sunbathe on them, dry yourself with them and even wear them (sarong style)! I do all of that with mine.
So do yourself a favour this Spring/Summer, invest in a set from Turkish towels from Aqua HQ and head to the beach. I love, love, love mine!
So do yourself a favour this Spring/Summer, invest in a set from Turkish towels from Aqua HQ and head to the beach. I love, love, love mine!
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My favourite
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Packed for the beach. Light and quick to dry with a multitude of uses!
Friday, 9 August 2013
about time
Do you think Rachel McAdams intentionally chose this Princess Leia style dress to promote her new time travel film About Time (at the London premiere)? I'm just not keen on it. It's like a film character costume (did I mention Star Wars already?) that just doesn't look that good in real life. Like hired fancy dress. The hologram plastic belt and blue back stripes just look cheap. A silver or gold metal belt would have looked much better.
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