Friday, 12 July 2013

What to do for the big 4. 0.

I'm at a bit of a loss really. About turning 40 next month. It doesn't really bother me to be honest, but I do find it a bit bizarre that I will soon be officially 'middle aged'. I'm not really sure if I've ever given being 40 much thought. It's a big milestone, one that has always felt so far away in the future that it's not been worth thinking about. When I was younger I could never 'see' beyond 30. I guess I thought that by 40 I'd be 'sorted'. Content, settled, boring (?)...

But there is an expectation, a pressure, that you should do something to mark the occasion, and that is where I'm stuck. 

I have set a budget for the Big Day, and it seems these are my choices...

Ideas for celebrating a 40th:

A skydive
A party at home 
A party at a venue
A weekend away (with friends or family or husband)
A trip somewhere new/exciting
A real pair of Christian Louboutin Pigalle stilettos (v tempted)
A diamond pendant/necklace
A pair of diamond earrings
A meal at a flashy restaurant (with husband)
A painting

Ummm.... I just can't decide. Actually, I can. I want to be selfish. I want something for me. I want the diamond necklace! I was going for the designer heels, but have changed my mind. I want to blow my budget on a keepsake that I can wear everyday, that will last forever, that I can pass on to mini me one day.

Having a party is just not my thing. I know that's anti-social, but it's just too much work and time and effort - and it cuts into my pressie money (!). Besides, Mr S and I often drink and reminisce to all our favourite retro tunes, so, do I need to subject my friends to that on a larger scale? Nah.

A lunch and glass of champers with friends, perhaps. Or informal drinks one night? Yes, that would be nice. Low key, that's me!

But a diamond is forever. A girls best friend. Yes. Choice made. Thanks for helping chaps! 

Shoes, parties, holidays, adventure... what would you choose? all of the above?!

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