Tuesday, 13 March 2012

playing happy families - a flashback

I love W Magazine.  It's the photography that draws me in.  I do browse through the articles, but I have a short attention span, so I mainly gawp at the beautiful people, in beautiful places, with a serious dose of envy.

I first saw this article back in 2005, around the same time that Brad and Jen split.  Brad and Angie featured in this W Magazine spread, by photographer Steven Klein (promoting Mr & Mrs Smith).  They decided to set the photos in 1963, the year Brad was born.  It's a feature I go back to again and again because it captures my imagination, and because it's so flippin stylish.  So here it is for you all to enjoy... just click here.

It's funny to look back now, at Brad and Angie playing families, knowing that this was the start of their own real happy family...  I hope they never split up, because they look so bloody good together. 

And yes, if I was Brad - I would have done the same thing, sorry Jen - you're just not in the same league.

Images W Magazine / Steven Klein

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