Friday, 25 January 2013

out of hibernation ramble

Oh I don't want the school holidays to end. I have never been one to count down the days until my kids are back at school.  Not necessarily because I love their company and because of all the quality time we share (umm not always the case, I'll admit).  But because I am essentially a lazy cow who likes to go to bed late, get up late, potter about not doing very much, just relaxing at home, by the pool, or out somewhere nice.

I can feel the pressure building already, just the thought of having to jump back on the merry-go-round of school drops and after school activities and rants about homework and piano practise and the absolute worst - making bloody packed lunches! It all makes my head ache already and long for the next holiday!

I also have the added anxiety of my eldest starting high school. OMG!  I have a kid at high school!  How can that be? That must mean I'm getting OLD. It's bizarre. Five minutes ago he was a baby... So, this is the start of a new chapter, one I am excited and apprehensive about.  My little boy is turning into a!  Big changes ahead and new territory.  I hope he'll be okay. Take it all in his stride and enjoy himself, whilst continuing to do well and have well mannered friends and set himself up with the skills he needs for his future.  I know this is a bit premature, but please, no tattoos or piercings, underage piss ups, snorting things, rampant wanking and sex... No, that won't happen, he is not me. Thank God. 

All ready for school...sort of.

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