It feels like a wet London day. Miserable again. Fine drizzle. Everything grey. Heavy watery sky. Not even a slither of blue up there. Two days of crap weather in a row is just too much. Come on Spring - hurry up and get here!
I wanted to wear boots today, and tights to keep my legs warm. So Tony Bianco heeled boots it is again, with my vintage lace ruffle dress with satin Marks & Sparks slip underneath. This dress is way too see-through to just wear a bra (for work anyway).
These boot are too tall for me really, or I'm too short for them. I much prefer knee-high boots to finish a little lower. I don't like the way they gape and look like wellies... but I was so excited to finally find a pair of stiletto heel boots, I figured I'd just have to live with them the way they are. So I do...
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Vintage lace ruffle dress, M&S slip, Tony Bianco boots and Target cardigan
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